Proofing Aids

The geom style provides a number of proofing aids that you can turn on and off by saying \proofingtrue and \proofingfalse. The default is for proofing to be on. These facilities are independent of standard 's draft option to the book and article style, whose only effect is to make overfull box markers visible.

If you use 's \includeonly mechanism [#!Lamport!#, 76], you can print your final version by passing the macro \noproofing as the argument to \includeonly. This not only turns off all proofing aids, but also prevents from starting a new page for each input file. (Naturally, the page breaks will likely be different because of that, so you'll need to run the job twice to get cross-references right.)

to *Normally you have two lines like this in the main file for your document:

\typein[\sectionstoinclude]{Enter the sections that should be processed: }
so you can type in the sections to be included from the terminal, without having to modify the source file. The macro \noproofing works in this mode, too.

By the way, if you are using the book style, the construction \chap1{345} expands to

This has nothing to do with proofing, but it provides a useful shorthand for use with \includeonly. Braces should be used around a section or chapter number having more than one digit.

In proofing mode you get, to the left of the main text, a column in tiny print with all the index entries contributed by that page. This includes automatic entries with their respective prefixes (see The Index, the Table of Contents and the Glossary).

If you are in proof mode and the macros \leftfoot and \rightfoot are defined, they will be typeset flush left and flush right on the footline. These macros are often defined to contain information about draft version, date of last modification, etc., which can be updated automatically.

to *Near the top of the source file for this document, I wrote the lines

\def\leftfoot{\RCSstring$Revision: 1.10 $}
\def\rightfoot{\RCSstring$Date: 92/08/25 19:55:41 $}
\def\RCSstring$#1 ${#1}
The first two lines are automatically updated by the UNIX utility RCS (Revision Control System) whenever I check the file in or out. RCS requires that the keywords Revision, Date and so on be found within dollar signs, and it tacks on a blank before the closing $ for good measure. The \RCSstring macro eliminates this extraneous stuff.